Hip Hop Truth - Prosthetik Intelligentz Interview

So about a couple of weeks ago, I had the chance to interview with what I refer to as Hip Hop Truth, or "Fayettenam's Finest" hip hop lyricist / production duo, er, trio known as Prosthetik Intelligentz straight outta Fayetteville, NC. Trio'd by hip hop lyricist Ezzie B, music producer B.Doom, and the ever so talented hypeman known as HIPplusHOP, this group is grinding hard, dedicated to hip hop music, enjoying creating and living it, and promoting their music more and more, putting their face on the map not just locally or nationally, but globally as well!
The interview was great, and these kats are definitely down to earth, all about enjoying the moment, and making, living, and breathing hip hop the way it was supposed to be enjoyed! They do it for the love, for the art, and give the fans great eargasmic music to enjoy! Take a trip with me as I ask some questions to the group, and as they share their hip hop truth!
Genycis: Okay, so I'm sure many are probably wondering... Why the name Prosthetik Intelligentz?
Prosthetik Intelligentz (PI): We chose Prosthetik Intelligentz because it was the perfect name for
what we're doing: providing man-made knowledge for anybody to grab and
interpret any way they like… While making fun of our own lives and
having ALOT of fun along the way!!
And how long have you and B.Doom been into
hip hop music?
B. Doom: Man, that's a good question.. While I've (B. Doom) been into Hip-Hop
music my entire life and producing for over 14 years, Ezzie's fairly a
Ezzie B: (smiles, nods) It's true though, I've only
been listening to Hip-Hop music for a little under 5-6 years… My moms
was a stickler for strictly gospel music in the house man!!! I got a
little wiser in highschool and started borrowing CD's and tapes from
classmates around the 10th grade. When I graduated and got to college,
it was ON though!!!
Genycis: And Ezzie B., how long have you and Doom known each other for?
Ezzie B: As of April 2011, it's just been a little over a year man, not that long at all.
Genycis: Word, so like, when did you two officially get into doing your own
thing... you know, writing, producing the tracks, the whole shabang?
B. Doom: Music has been a focus of mine for a long time. I can remember
being eight years old, sneaking my mom's "Thriller" and "
Off The Wall" albums to my room to scratch them on my Yorx shelf system. I think my love for Hip-Hop may have begun when I used to pilfer
MC Lyte and
Public Enemy
tapes from my older cousin's tape bag. I've been writing rhymes,
mixing, scratching and banging on the kitchen table ever since. Me and E
have been doing it officially for about a year.
(Ezzie B.) And haven't
looked back ONE TIME!!
Genycis: Word, I see you went all out Doom. haha. I'm feelin' all of this hip hop truth with the answers, no doubt. And who were some of your biggest influences lyrically, and production wise, the both of you?
B. Doom: Influences… Lyrically probably
Busta, ATCQ, De La and
Mos Def.
There are PLENTY of other MC's I admire and borrow from when I do
rhyme. But, I really don't see myself as an MC. I feel much more
comfortable behind the boards. Although I do like to slide in the booth
from time to time; being the scientist behind the "iron curtain" sliding
faders and turning knobs is much more rewarding to me. Throwing that
perfect, no-look, behind-the-back assist to my man (Ezzie) as he
finishes the play with the finesse that only he can is the bee's knees
man. That actually brings me to the producer that I admire most,
Quincy Jones.
I read somewhere that when he was writing the score for "The Wiz," he
wrote the entire orchestra's sheet music for the whole soundtrack by
himself in one NIGHT! He did it all without any instruments in his
possession, not even a piano. He was "seeing" the music, the sample
rates, pulse code modulation, analog/digital recording techniques and
factors of musical composition the average listener may take for
Ezzie B: lyrically, I'd say some of my influences are the Jay
Electronica's, the
Big Boi's,
the Andre 3000's, the Talib Kweli's and the Santigold's of the world…
Lol yes Santigold! People that aren't afraid to say what they want
without worrying about fitting into a specific block of rhyme or reason.
Production-wise, I'm into anyone that can embed that "sound" into their
beat that only a select few of us would hear.. The Alchemists, the
Madlibs and iLLminds of the world. I'm a sucka for that oldschool chopped sample sound too man, a STRAIGHT-UP sucka.
Genycis: Damn, I didn't even really know that about Quincy Jones! That's dedication right there. Okay, So you know this business is full of haters and critics... has anyone
told you that your chance of making it is slim or to just give up, given
the lyrical content of your work versus the lack of lyrics on the
commercial end of it?
B. Doom: Most DEFINITELY. We've managed to tune out the haters though, we've got
too much to accomplish to worry about who thinks we wouldn't fit in the
commercial side of music.
Ezzie B: We're not concerned about the
negative, that's what kills creativity; Spending too much time thinking
"man, will people feel this" or "will people think we're trying to talk
over their heads" or is mix/mastery good enough…" Everyone has enough
personal demons to fight on their own to worry about taking on new ones
that people have created for them.
Genycis: See, I can definitely respect those answers. I feel along the same way as well, which is what keeps me making beats that I enjoy making as well.. it's all about the creativity. Hip hop truth right there! So what would each of you say is your biggest achievement up to date with the music you two are putting out, despite some of the comments of the haters?
Ezzie B: Just the little things you know? Having someone from across the globe
calling us, tweeting or emailing us and telling us that they, you know,
enjoy listening to us. That's the biggest achievement ANY artist could
really receive from our standpoint.
B. Doom: Or pulling up next to
someone here in Fayetteville NC and hearing our track playing in a car
next to us… It's never been about anything other than making music that
we enjoy and having a PERFECT stranger vibe to it the same way we did
when we pulled it out the oven!!
What do you both hope to achieve with your music being brought to the people?
Ezzie B: Typical stuff.
World peace,
sunny skies, free ice cream sammiches… LOL!!!
B. Doom: We just want
people to keep listening, keep diggin' it, and keep sharing it. The
PEOPLE have been the key to the break-throughs we've had thus far.
Genycis: What are your thoughts about hip hop of today versus hip hop of the 80's and 90's?
PI: Well, right off top it's different, but in the times we live in, the
music being made today has it's place. The subject and context has
changed quite a bit since the 80's-90's, but then again so has the
quality of people, relationships and life. Hip-Hop's had to adjust just
like everything else we guess.
Genycis: What are some plans you two have for 2011?
PI: Well, as always we're gonna be following Hip+Hop (the little green guy)
around the globe this summer and winter, collecting more samples and
dropping new music as we go! You can check in and view our travels, new
music and downloadable content at
http://www.prosthetikintelligentz.com Be on the lookout for new Hip+Hop people!!!
Genycis: Word, I gotta say I appreciate and enjoyed the interview from you all. You both speak the real, keeping the hip hop truth strong! Before I cut this interview short, what are some final words you two want to address to the people?
Ezzie B: First off, we'd like to thank ALL the people that listen to Prosthetik
Intelligentz and believe in Hip+Hop!! We appreciate everyone that is
helping us spread our sound all over the map!! Also, be on the lookout
for the "
Signs & Wonders
EP" dropping very soon! It's a joint-effort completely produced by
North Carolinian (by way of NY) producer GravityMovement. (The tape will
be engineered and mixed by B. Doom) It'll feature lyrics from B. Doom
and myself and will be a step in the direct our pending third
installment of the "Man-Cave Music Mixtape" series is in. It's gonna be a
really dope project, and we're having a blast making it!
I wanna give a shoutout to Prosthetik Intelligentz for blessing me with this interview to share with you all. Be sure to check them out at
http://www.prosthetikintelligentz.com and show them love, especially if you are from North Carolina. North Carolina continues to show that they have some real talented individuals blessing the mic, producing the beats, and making great hip hop music!
On that note, before I wrap up this post, let me tell you that you need, I mean NEED to copp the
Man-Cave Music mixtape album here for download! Straight Fire! Check it out, visit them at their page, and keep enjoying that hip hop truth! Much respect!